
Step In!
Don’t hesitate to step into the cold waters of BudFitter. Bring the Durasteps close, and the height of our BudFitter cold bath will never be a problem again. The Durasteps are lightweight and exceptionally durable. They can also be used for conditioning exercises with a cold exposure effect. Check out our Instagram for educational series on exercises with Durasteps and their smaller sibling BudSteps, and discover other benefits of sauna and cold exposure.
Easy and Safe
To enter the BudFitter bath, just take two graceful steps, and you’ll be inside. You won’t need to worry about balancing on your toes or figuring out how to get in and out of the bath elegantly.
What’s in the Package?
Assembling the four-piece steps is a matter of moments, thanks to the simple click system.
Technical Specifications
Maximum water capacity: 547 l
Inner / outer diameter: 1040 mm / 1140 mm
Height: 870 mm
Weight: 30 kg
Robust double PP-E shell.