BUDFITTER is a fitness vat developed by fitness professionals for people who want to be better, more durable and stronger.
As long-time hardiers, we wanted to make a tub that would be light, durable and maintenance-free. Thanks to the double shelter, the water never completely freezes!
And so BUDFITTER was born, a cooling tub unique in its design, quality and simplicity.
This is not idle talk. Hardening has been proven to strengthen immunity, resistance, cardiovascular system and willpower. It supports calorie burning, regeneration, the ability to tolerate stress and manage discomfort. Hardening pushes our own limits. It’s not just a current trend, it’s a lifestyle you love.
Maximum water capacity: 547 l Inner / outer diameter: 1040 mm / 1140 mm
Height: 870 mm
Weight: 30 kg
Material: double PP-E shell
Yes, BUDFITTER is safe. It is made of a durable double PP-E shell and meets all the necessary safety standards for hardening tubs, ensuring that it can be used without worrying about your safety. It lasts an awful lot.
BUDFITTER, weighs 30 kg and has an internal diameter of 1040 mm, an external diameter of 1140 mm and a height of 870 mm.
Ideally, 1, but up to 3 people can fit into the BUDFITTER!
The Shape Packet is a special pack for those who want to start light exercise combined with toning includes: BUDFITTER tub, lid, lid holder, exercise step, kettlebell 6 kg, expander long, expander short 6 kg
Special bonus – quarterly membership WWW.ONLINEFITNESS.CZ
+420 731 529 370
Krmelínská 631, 739 23, Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí
We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m